Saturday, August 2, 2008

Festival of Praise 2008!

Wow! Can't believe how everything works in God's ways and in His timing!!
Must must must share this on my blog....

Was supposed to go for FOP on Friday with my friend HL...however, as she was post- call that day....decided to not go instead....but, I really really wanted to attend this event.....apart from being there with Reuben Morgan and Hillsongs and the Parachute Band.....Mark Conner would also be speaking!! It's been AGES since I heard a good Aussie sermon.....3 years now, come to think of it!!! So I decided to list all the people I could invite to go with me.......well, I thought of my lil' ol' brother!! Hahaha....God's timing really....

Felt that the rock feel of the bands combined with Mark Conner as the speaker might interest him and mebbe kickstart something in his heart......and was truly grateful that he decided to come along......nvm the long journey or the lousy dinner we had prior to that....It was great!!

Think bro was blown away by the musicians and their skills....but I on the side was praying super hard that the Holy Spirit would touch him in a way that I can't....... and then came Mark Conner.....message was simple - Growing Old or growing Up....

This really touched a chord with my bro's heart I think...considering it challenged him in ways that he couldn't imagine.....basically it was a call to take responsibility of ourselves...that is how we GROW UP...unfortunately many people never grow up, they just grow old blaming everyone else for their own misery......he illustrated this with a hula hoop - everything that you CAN't control is outside the hoop ( ie the weather, your children, etc)...and everything within your control is inside the hoop (ie only yourself!).......

Areas of control:

a) Our MIND - take hold of every thought and make it captive to Jesus (ie what you think will determine your destiny)....and why is it that we always take the negative and dwell on it? If we saw a bad / lousy movie, we definitely would not watch it again, lest buy the DVD?!? But when something negative happens to us, we replay that scene over and over in surround sound/ high definition...we even pause and scrutinise it over and over again?!? We are such strange creatures!!

b) Our WILL - we can make, how when Pharoah was given a choice to decide when to get rid of the frogs- he chose TOMORROW?!? (why spend another day with the frogs?)


And at the end of his sermon, Ps Mark Conner made an altar call... (yes! been waiting for this moment to see what happens!)....and my lil bro raised his hand!!! Praise God!!!

Am not sure what this holds for not even sure what I need to do help him grow secure in his faith...but this I do know....God has his purposes and I will do all I can to help him grow in his relationship with Jesus Christ - my one true redeemer saviour!!!

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