Thursday, August 28, 2008

It's so good to be home.....'s been great not to have to go to work for the last week and a half!!!
Really really praise God for the extra week off work (sh....don't tell anyone!!)....was so glad that the RIE was cancelled and the kind roster monster who gave me that entire week off to study! Yipee!! Thank You Lord!!!!
So, have been studying really really hard to justify that week off work....but also slightly distracted by the Korean Drama series....anyway...have seen the last no least I know it was a happy ending!! Hehehe....
Been feeling super frustrated recently...realised what the problem was after talking to my ex-roomie (Miss PP)...thanks girl for listening to me rant! hehehehe...basically it's my old problem acting up again....feeling upset and frustrated when the community that I live is so apathetic re: their spiritual walk and relationship with God and man......irks me all the time...but I think somehow it kinda suppressed itself when I came to Sg to work....oh's all coming back again.....same old same old feeling......only that this time, they are all older than me (which makes it even harder coz aren't they the ones who are supposed to guide me in my spiritual growth considering that some of them are almost hitting 40 years old?!? ) sigh.......
Then....there was dinner with my old secondary school friends.....was great catching up...although seriously I think I look at all these guys is dismay at what they have done with their lives - basically NOTHING!!! What a shame! What a waste! They had potential...but they chose to flush it down the drain.....for lack of wisdom or motivation I guess......whether it be their studies/ career/ relationships.....was truly disgusted by their girlfriends....(hahaha...why am I not surprised?!?).......and their lack of drive in their careers...... (well, the only stable one is Mr. E who has successfully remained in the same job for the last 8 years....managed to buy a house.....just lack the girlfriend/ wife to complete the Malaysian dream picture, I guess!!!)...But am proud of him.....was never a great student...and always was pushed around by the other guys...but he has done us proud by being the 1st to start work and sticking with the same job for so long........just wished he would stop smoking !!! (was appalled at how many people smoke in KL!!! Gee!!! Even the gals!).....aiyo......Insurance companies should just not sell insurance to these people who smoke so that they will know how to treasure their lives and their health!!!!
Anyway...must say that this break has been too long overdue......must remember not to make the same mistake again of only taking leave every 6-7 months!!! Man...I must have been crazy!!!!!

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