Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Day 1 (The 5 AM club)

Yes! Managed to wake up by 5AM today and did some exercise. I will start small and increase the duration each day.

Reflection for today ( taken from Robin Sharma's book of the same title above):

Those who feel more than most people sometimes believe they have been cursed. In fact, they have been granted a gift , one that allows them to sense what others miss, experience the delights that most neglect and notice the majesty in ordinary moments. Yes, such people get hurt more easily, yet they are also the ones who create great symphonies, architect dazzling buildings and find cures for the sick. Tolstoy once noted that 'only people who are capable of loving strongly can suffer great sorrow' while the great Sufi poet Rumi wrote, 'You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens'.

This spoke volumes to me since this was exactly how I felt about my life. Many days in Melbourne, I felt like I was cursed and now I finally see it in a different light. More recently, a colleague said to me: 'Don't care so much. That's why you feel upset about this situation at work.' In a way he was right about the why. But he got the conclusion so very wrong.

This is who I am: A carer. I cannot just walk away and don't give two hoots about a situation that I care about. I cannot say I don't care what happens to the people I lead. I just can't. It is not me.

When you distill it down to the core of the issue: I care because I am passionate about the work that I do.

And that my friend, is how one becomes a History-Maker.

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