Saturday, January 8, 2011

Thank God for friends!

Today was a rather busy day at work...yes, on a Saturday!!! Was rather upset that the rest of my colleagues decided to take the day off and let me do the ward rounds alone, with an intern that just started work and was really inefficient and non functional.
Anyway, was hoping that Mr X would surprise me at work and come help with the rounds.....and when I saw him at the meeting room , I was relieved to say the least.....when your ward list runs into 18 patients with only 1 registrar, 1 medical officer and 1 intern, its really quite tough...not too mention we had a few sick patients who needed urgent things to be done ( including a patient who required a chest drain inserted on a Saturday morning!!!)
So yeah, I was truly truly grateful for him! What would I do without such a good friend and colleague!!!! Was running around like a mad ding dong trying to see all my cases...clerk the new cases that came in periodically , discharge patients and supervise the intern all at once!!! Madness!!!
So at 2pm when finally most things were done....we decided to go and grab lunch together.... I was like uh -oh.....I promised God that I would not go out alone with this guy....but I was so grateful for his help that I agreed anyway....sigh.....since he was so insistent, we went to Chilis at Tanglin Mall.....and spent 2 hours having lunch!! I was rather happy that he wanted to order a triple play since it's one of my favourite dish at Chilis!!!! He looked rather surprised at how happy I was when he suggested ordering that! ;O) so we ended up chatting again, mainly about work...with a few awkward silences here and there...but since I had to rush off to church and he had to go back to work on call, we left about quarter to 5pm!!!!!!!
So what's the conclusion? I still have no idea! I only know that I am grateful for his friendship and kindness at work....and that he spurs me on to be a better doctor than I already am.......

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