Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Paper Sorting!!!

Sigh...it's 11pm already and I am just almost done with sorting out the papers.....papers? what papers? all those ward lists that I have accumulated for the last 2 years!!! It's a mountainful....and the worst part is having to go through all that and just pick a handful of patients to record in my logbook......what a waste of time!
Do these administrative people think that we only see so few patients? We just don't have time to record all of them down!!! We are busy working....like 'duh'!!!! ( in a typical Homer Simpson fashion).....
Anyway, I am glad that I managed to fill up most blanks....now, I just have to get the signatures on all those papers!!! Sheeshh....I really think its a great big wast of time!!!!
Oh, and getting back to the topic of the last 2 posts.....I was glad to speak to a dear friend and sister in Christ, EM, and told her the lastest that's been happening....and she was like - WTH!!! Are you even thinking of going out with a non Christian?!? Don't you even think about it! Are you mad?!? Put a wall around your heart! I know that she is right..and I just need someone to just smack me in the face and shake me up to reality....I told her that I know all that...but at the age past 30 and still single....any dating options seems pretty attractive, if you know what I mean....besides, does going out for lunch/ dinner with a colleague count as dating? It's just having a meal with a person that I get along with at work, right? Ok, mebbe I'm just kidding myself! But I know what she means....and I also know that I don't wanna sound rude and just decline to go out with people! ( just because they are non Christians?!?).....mebbe its the best evangelistic tool I may ever have!
Anyway, I got her to promise that she will pray for me....and I did mention to her how I find others dishing out all these well meaning advice rather hypocritical coz these people are all attached/ married...I hope she got the drift.....but I do appreciate her concern.....
And then the conversation degenerated to me telling her about my Grave's disease and she telling me that she had pulmonary TB ( from all the stress of her pHD year!)....sheesh...we are all getting old and creaky already!
It was just a great time of catching up over MSN.......and I'm glad that she took the time to chat........So Lord, you know that I need Your hedge around my heart, mind and soul...please guard it for I know that it is my wellspring of life! Amen!

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