Sunday, February 10, 2008

What is love?!?

It has been an eventful my sister would testify..... Truly amazing!!
What are the chances that a friend whom you have not seen in the last 9-10 years suddenly finds you on exchange numbers....and suddenly the phone calls keep coming?!? To top that off....this was the guy that I used to date a loong ..time ago!?! ;) WOW!!!
What's more amazing is how he does not harbour hate and unforgiveness in his heart towards me for what i did to him.....PLUS, the fact that he still feels that we could still be together?!? Is this LOVE?
i dunno...kinda have mixed feelings about it....part of me feels flattered and excited of what could be...on the other hand it sounds rather freaky (even a bit stalker-ish? no?)....Have mixed responses from ppl that I have shared this with.....from 'oh wow! So ROMANTIC!' the 'better be careful...dun make the same mistake twice' the 'keep an open mind'.....So what do I do?!?
putting the 'what ifs' has been such a great reminder of the awesomeness of God..I remember throughout my Uni days , whilst I thought of this particular friend...used to pray for him, that the end of our relationship would not signify the death of his relationship with Jesus....and I was very glad when he shared with me how his spiritual journey has been over the last few years....difficult....and filled with rebellion on his part...nevertheless God's love broke through and here is one guy who is walking with Him...even got baptised! Hallellujah!! Indeed God can craft a broken relationship into a port of entry into the most beautiful relationship with Him - our Heavenly Father....which in my view, is a far greater and better relationship than he could ever have with me...a mere mortal...Praise God! Indeed, His thoughts are higher than our thoughts....
Then, there's this other guy in my cell group....had the privilege of having dinner after church with him and his brother and another church friend yesterday night.....was amazed at how similar that we are.....from our hearts for our love for music....we were talking abt Sweeney Todd...which evolved to a talk about musicals (one of my pet topics!!)...and suddenly this guy bursts into song!! Hahaha....was rather taken aback at his spontaneity given that he is rather reserved and quite guy!!!...then we talked about Cirque du Soleil(?!?) and David Copperfield (?!?).....hahaha.....was a bit taken aback when he asked me to help with the 'projector ministry' that he is involved in...(why did he not ask his brother to help?!?).....which was followed by an insistence to visit a church friend who was a fellow mission tripper/ private gastroenterologist......wasn't very keen coz i thought it felt weird...but went along anyway.....and must say that I had a VERY good time....that friend is VERY wealthy and lives in a HUGE bungalow .....but more importantly....hearing stories about Nepal made me long for that country again.....indeed, i know God is calling me back there again for a purpose or another....just need to know the right timing!!!! but was glad for that introduction.....even got an ang pow at the end of the visit! muahaha...
Oh well...back to the point of this two stories.....
From having no one to walk this journey with me...and wallowing in self pity that I will be single forever...God is now opening my eyes to potential friendships that can develop into something more beautiful......question that I have been asking over and over again is - What exactly is LOVE? What exactly is marriage? so many questions.....sigh.....
One thing for now that I do know...God knows my heart and my needs....indeed He is faithful to what He promises to us!! Will just have to sit tight...pray....and watch what happens.......;)
watch this space for updates!!!

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