Friday, July 13, 2007


Was just reading through my last entry in this blog....and felt truly ashamed of we oscillate as humans! how inconsistent we can be?!?
Whilst I wanted to be Christ-like last week....this week I just felt the opposite.....could feel the mean streak coming out.....the same friend that I wanted to share the Gospel with just kept irritating me...not just with her whinings...but her complains and judgment of the point that she asked some colleagues who were away on a course to come back in the evening to help her out! I was say the least.....
Questions that kept popping into my mind were:
a) Why did she not approach me if she needed help? Was I so unapproachable?
b) Why did the others agree to it? - granted, those colleagues were Christians too....
c) What's wrong with this person?!?

The list goes on....and slowly the thoughts became ' why should I help her? she didn't help me when I needed help?!?"......and as you can see...they slowly degenerated to selfish and self-justifying thoughts.....appalling!!

Lord, I ask for Your forgiveness. When i choose to rebel and walk against Your principles. When I choose to live according to my own terms. When i choose to disobey Your commands. I am sorry Lord and I repent of my hard-heartedness and disobedience.

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