Sunday, March 3, 2019

Day 4: The 4 focuses of History Makers

Wow, this is getting hard. Waking up consistently at 5 AM everyday is tough when one has a 2.5 year old co-sleeping. But I will try to persevere.

The 4 focuses of history makers:
1) Capitalisation IQ

2) Freedom from distraction

3) Personal mastery practice

4) Day stacking

Its interesting that the writer uses the exact same words I used many years ago - History Makers. I've forgotten this motto for so long that when I read this, I realised how lost I have been.

" The beginning of transformation is the increase of perception. As you see more you can materialise more. And once you know better you can achieve bigger. The great men and women of the world - the ones responsible for the magical symphonies, the beautiful moments, the advancements of science and the progress of technology - started by reengineering their thinking and reinventing their awareness. In so doing, they entered a secret universe that the majority could not perceive. And this, in turn, allowed them to make the daily choices few choose to make. Which, automatically delivered the daily results few get to experience."

Read a book recently by Dr Rana Awdish - wonderful read. It really should be read by everyone before entering or whilst they are in medical school. Deep insights when one becomes a patient. Cried bucketloads at every dramatic time point that occurred- tragedy after tragedy. Its amazing how resilient our bodies actually are. But what's more amazing is the strength of our minds and the drive of our emotions to help the body survive, despite all odds. Take home message from this - Never Give Up.