I actually don't know why I did that....just wanted to let him know I was going back to malaysia .....and he texted me back after I got home to thank me for dinner and the show...and to buzz him when I got back...I was just rather worried about his flu that sounded pretty bad.....but had resolved not to call him whilst I was in Malaysia....needed to sort things out in my head and heart.....
Well...the trip home was restful....with pockets of stress as mum and dad were again yelling at each other....and having to babysit my nephew and niece with my mum......it seemed like I was at work...getting up at 7 am and going home at about 8pm!!! ;P but they are both sooo cute it was really good to see them grow up .....so quickly!!!!!
Whilst I tried to pray and ask God for a sign about Mr X.......there were no answers....no conclusions.....zilch.......well, at least I tried right? I told God, if he asked me out again....then I would really need to try and broach the subject about 'us' ( if there was even an us to talk about)......and the whole I don't date non believers thingy.....
I got back to Sg on thursday and sent Mr X a text that I was back...immediately he suggested watching The Lion King musical...I was like - wow! He's a musical fan too??? I told him I watched it already in melbourne, but was open to the idea of watching it again since it was soo good....and so he went to get the tickets for Saturday night.......I was excited all over again.....Why? I dun really know......I was also really worried - since I decided it was time to broach the whole faith thing......
Sat came....and we both enjoyed the musical..... I was surprised that he again spent a fortune for the tickets - which came with a complimentary drink ( we had champagne?!?) and a souvenir.....I almost wanted to faint looking at the cost of the tickets.....why does he keep doing this????
Since we didn't manage to get dinner before the musical....we headed off for dinner after that......a really late dinner......chatted about everything from work to insurance policies...to finally the all consuming topic of religion.....he's pretty curious and seeking....although he has very preconceived ideas and what he believes about our own existence/ creation....and his theory of space- time- continuum......I tried very hard to argue for a case for Christianity...but I think he is not open to the idea yet.....but at the core of him, it stems from a fear...fear of death, fear of emotions and what it means.....and because of that, he had to think up an explanation for all these things in life.....
Since he was quite insistent that his theory is true.....I backed off....and decided it was not a good time to talk about 'us'...was beginning to feel that there was no 'us' in his life.....mebbe it was all just my imagination....I left it as such....and I have decided in my heart that he is just a friend...and a mission to win him for Christ.....and that's all.....
I can only hope and pray that his eyes will be open and his spirit touched by the Holy Spirit.....