Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Siblings....and family...

It's been great being on holiday...ok, mebbe not the studying for exams bit! But the thought of not having to worry about work and what the events of the days will bring is just great....no thoughts of ' will any patient die on me today?" , 'will i have to resus any one today?" or even the ' i hope i dun screw up today' ...... sigh...

But better than that is the fact that my sis is in town... ;) hehehe....

Been soooo long that I have spent any time with her under one roof...come to think about it, I have been staying away from my family since the age of 18...gasp...that's like almost 9 years now!! Argh...

Always amazes me how similar we are in some ways...yet so different in others....

Like the time when i bought my 1st mobile phone in Australia....still remember it vividly, the turquoise coloured ericsson phone (T10)...and to my surprise, my sis had the exact same model and colour in UK! Talk about telepathy! Over the years, we've developed similar taste in movies, books, music, clothes....( as for clothes, no thanks to our dear mum - all 3 of us always pick the same stuff off the clothes rack during shopping!!)....it is uncanny....yet fun to know that there is a part of us that will remain the same no matter what life brings!

Well...though we have taken different paths in life.....and entering different phases of our lives, it is comforting to know that some things don't change - for better or worse. ;)

Here's to family kinship!

1 comment:

leymondcha said...

Awww... so sweet. :)

Thanks a million for taking care of me while I was ill; mighty nice of you to come around bearing food and juice..

Yalah, think we 3 can just swap our clothes (maybe also shoes) around! Hahahahaha :p